As you know, Tasker can show us the total number of profiles, tasks and scenes that are imported into it. But what is the main problem from here? It simply shows us non-hidden profiles and tasks. But what about anonymous tasks, linked to profiles? And the tasks from scenes, categorized as anonymous?
So this project will help you to know the exact and total number of them, as them are.
This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet
(It can be deleted after imported)
(It can be deleted after imported)
- Orange profiles and tasks are all non-anonymous, located in main Tasker UI.
- New: Sidebar to show changes in content, if any, after closing Tasker.
- New: Menu (list) where you can see the name of each prj, prf, tsk and scn, when clicking on each icon in 'TCV - Information' scene. (Anonymous content is not listed)
- Other: Small changes.
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Project (TaskerNet)
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Project (TaskerNet)
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