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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

[TASK] Check Mobile Data Status v1.0

You can check the status of the mobile data with this task: ON or OFF.


Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

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Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

[PROJECT] Material Color Palette v1.1 (UPDATE)

Here you have a very useful project if you usually work a lot with colors. Well now you will have them more at hand than ever, and without the need of third-party apps. 😉

Some info about Material Design Colors
The Google Material Design color palette uses a 10-point scale of 50 to 900, with 50 being the lightest tint, 900 being the darkest shade, and 500 representing the primary color. They also introduce an almost neon-like A-series for most colors (A100, A200, A400, and A700).

The Material Design color palette comprises primary and accent colors that can be used for illustration or to develop your brand colors. They’ve been designed to work harmoniously with each other.

- Single tap on second screen to copy color hexadecimal code (with alpha portion), and long tap to copy the same but with HTML format (without alpha portion).




v1.1 (update)
- New: New version of the project that uses HTML style. (Big thanks to @Raiden1982 for providing it)
- Fix: Single/long tap was working even if the '%(value)' variable was not set. (affects A### colors)
- Other: Cleanup up of every 'Color (#) [top]' element from 'Secondary Colors' scene. (less xml size)
- Other: Deleted debug action from 'Setup (UI)' task.

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

Monday, September 16, 2019

[PROJECT] Material Color Palette v1.1

Here you have a very useful project if you usually work a lot with colors. Well now you will have them more at hand than ever, and without the need of third-party apps. 😉

Some info about Material Design Colors
The Google Material Design color palette uses a 10-point scale of 50 to 900, with 50 being the lightest tint, 900 being the darkest shade, and 500 representing the primary color. They also introduce an almost neon-like A-series for most colors (A100, A200, A400, and A700).

The Material Design color palette comprises primary and accent colors that can be used for illustration or to develop your brand colors. They’ve been designed to work harmoniously with each other.

- Single tap on second screen to copy color hexadecimal code (with alpha portion), and long tap to copy the same but with HTML format (without alpha portion).




- Fix: Single/long tap was working even if the '%(value)' variable was not set. (affects A### colors)
- Other: Cleanup up of every 'Color (#) [top]' element from 'Secondary Colors' scene. (less xml size)
- Other: Deleted debug action from 'Setup (UI)' task.

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

Sunday, September 15, 2019

[TASK] Toggle Android's Background Process Limit v1.1

This task will allow you to toggle in the background, and check the current process limit value for Android. Found under Developer Options.

- Current Tasker version (5.8.3+) can't toggle that option, due to lack of the 'android.permission.SET_PROCESS_LIMIT' permission on its AndroidManifest. But the request is done, and accepted by the dev. So, as I don't know when this will be implemented officially, here you can download a test build that the dev sent to me, including the required permission, if you need it to be implemented in your projects asap.


- Other: setProcessLimit() action enabled, as Tasker (test build) now has the required permission. (5.8.x+)
- Other: Changed task name.

Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

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Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

[PROJECT] Tasker App Locker v1.0

Here is the successor to the set of scenes 'Custom LockScreen Scenes'. Now considered as a project, with the possibility of blocking apps without the need of third-party apps.

Basically, it is a project that will allow you to have your own app block solution to those applications that you consider necessary.

These are some of its main features:
· Four different lock screen styles available: Password (PIN), NockCode, PadLock, Pattern.
· Switchable from a single task, and Tasker will do the rest.
· Customizable background lockscreen: images or solid colors.
· Extra resources available to fully costumize it as you like.
· And more... (?)




v1.0 (v1.2 old one)
- New: Separate background scene. (Configure it from 'TAL - Setup' task)
- New: 'Setup' + 'Setup (UI)' tasks, where you can now manage your locking codes, lock style, and scenes text sizes/colors from a single place, respectively.
- New: Some extra buttons styles (color). (Download them from 'Extra Resources (ZIP)')
- Other: All bundled in a single XML project file. (Now considered as a project)
- Other: From now on it will be named as 'Tasker App Locker'.
- Other: English translation.
- Other: All Global vars renamed to match prj base name.
- Other: Deleted some unnecessary actions. (them were just optional and used based on personal needs)
- Other: Replaced flash action with a padlock icon when switching on/off.
- Other: No need of MaxLock app anymore. (Use 'TAL - Apps (open)' and 'TAL - Apps (close)' profiles to select apps)
- Other: Some more changes here and there.

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)
Extra Resources (ZIP) (optional)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)
Extra Resources (ZIP) (optional)

[PROJECT] Material Color Palette v1.0

Here you have a very useful project if you usually work a lot with colors. Well now you will have them more at hand than ever, and without the need of third-party apps. 😉

Some info about Material Design Colors
The Google Material Design color palette uses a 10-point scale of 50 to 900, with 50 being the lightest tint, 900 being the darkest shade, and 500 representing the primary color. They also introduce an almost neon-like A-series for most colors (A100, A200, A400, and A700).

The Material Design color palette comprises primary and accent colors that can be used for illustration or to develop your brand colors. They’ve been designed to work harmoniously with each other.

- Single tap on second screen to copy color hexadecimal code (with alpha portion), and long tap to copy the same but with HTML format (without alpha portion).




Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

Thursday, September 12, 2019

[PROJECT] Current App Activity v1.2

This project will allow you to show the app name, package name and class name of current activity. And in real time!

- If you are not rooted, you will need to grant the 'android.permission.DUMP' permission to Tasker via ADB.
- The project uses the %(WIN) variable, so it requires to have the 'App Check Method' set as 'Accessibility' to work well.
- If you don't mind switching App Check Method manually every time you want to use the project, it's OK. But, you have an optional action on both 'CAA - Start' & 'CAA - Stop' tasks, that will switch such option automatically for you.
- About the last two notes before this one: As you can now get values in a loop process, instead of using the profile, if decided; there's no need to toggle 'App Check Method' now. So, you can disable both actions labeled as 'Optional'.
- Use the 'CAA - Setup (Work Method)' task to choose how the project will work. (dumpsys window, by default)




- New: Added an alternative method (dumpsys input). (Thanks to @Killer7Mod)
- New: Loop method check, which will help the values update faster, if necessary. (Use the 'CAA - Launch (loop)' task to use it)

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

[PROJECT] Current App Activity v1.1

This project will allow you to show the app name, package name and class name of current activity. And in real time!

- If you are not rooted, you will need to grant the 'android.permission.DUMP' permission to Tasker via ADB.
- The project uses the %(WIN) variable, so it requires to have the 'App Check Method' set as 'Accessibility' to work well.
- If you don't mind switching App Check Method manually every time you want to use the project, it's OK. But, you have an optional action on both 'CAA - Start' & 'CAA - Stop' tasks, that will switch such option automatically for you.




- Fix: Missing notification category for Android Oreo+.
- Fix: Not showing any value on some devices. (1° attempt) (Thanks to @GeovanDamasceno for testing)
- Other: Allow to get info from current foreground app just after launching the task.
- Other: Notification as permanent, to avoid being dismissed accidentally.
- Other: UI improvements.

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

[PROJECT] Custom Stock Navbar v1.1

This project emulates the Android stock navbar, showing the three main Android buttons: Back, Home and Recents. More can be added of course ;)

- This project is mainly focused for those devices that doesn't have physical navigation buttons. Instead virtual ones.
- If you want to disable permanently the stock Android's navbar, not just hide it, add the 'qemu.hw.mainkeys=0' property to the build.prop file, located on /system partition. Or you can use the Build.prop Editor project to do so instead ;)




- Other: Translated into English.
- Other: Resources are not needed anymore. (edit A2-A14 from 'CSN - Countdown' task if you want to add new buttons, or use local resources instead)
- Other: Minor changes.

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

Monday, September 9, 2019

[NEWS] [ANDROID] If you are a project creator, did you know you can test them in another Tasker instance without an ADB connection?

Run Android within your Android

Here I bring you VMOS, an application with the possibility of being able to emulate a complete Android system within your same Android host system. Like running virtual machines on a PC platform using VirtualBox, as an example.

Thanks to @Aarifmonu for letting it us know on the TPC Telegram chat group 👍

If you have a powerful enough phone (mid-high range), and Android 5.1.1 as a minimum OS for your host, you can try it out.

The possibilities of using this virtualized system are endless. Some of them would be...
· Have two (or more) accounts from the same app, running simultaneously. Like running 2 WhatsApp instances at the same time.
· If you don't want to root your physical device, you can have an Android with root access with just a few clicks. (your host system will not be affected)
· If you are one of those who like trying a lot of apps, you can use it as a Sanbox, allowing you to install apps without fear of damaging your device.
· You can take advantage of multitasking, having an app running on VMOS and another on your host.
· It allows you two completely separate instances to keep confidential files, or simply not to mix data.
· And much more...

But, as this is a community related with the automation in Android: Tasker, the main porpuse of this article was to make known to all those project devs (also users who do not develop, but try projects from them too), that you can test your projects in another Tasker client. And without the need for a PC (ADB), or clone Tasker.

Here you have a short video preview of what I was talking about, where you can see me testing one of my latest projects: Tasker Projects Tracker.
- Android (host): Dev version
- Android (vm): Client version

Sunday, September 8, 2019

[PROJECT] Proximity Sensor Workaround for Redmi Note 7 v1.0

If you're the owner of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 7, you may (or may not) have noticed that the proximity sensor stops responding randomly. So, the only solution was to disable it for calls temporarily, and after rebooting the device, turn on it again.

Other ways to make it work again, was:
· Enabling auto-brightness, or (*) pocket detection.

Well, I have applied the same trick as described above, but fully automated. (*)

This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet
(It can be deleted after imported)

- As the project writes to the Global settings table, you will need root to allow it to work. Or at least try using the Tasker Settings helper app if you are not rooted. (Using Tasker app)
- Do not forget to grant the 'WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS' permission to Tasker, or enable Write System Settings to the package name of the generated app that I provide to you if you decide to use it by this way (root needed anyway).
- I will keep supporting it, if necessary (bugs) until Xiaomi decides to fix it on their official ROMs. (also present in other official based ROMs too)
- The icon from the generated app was taken from icons8 (free licence), and edited.


Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Kid App (APK)
Resources (ZIP) (icons for app)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Kid App (APK)
Resources (ZIP) (icons for app)

[PROFILE] Turn On & Off Screen With Proximity Sensor v1.0

This simple profile will alow you to turn on and off the screen of your device, as described in the title.


Profile (XML)
Profile (TaskerNet)

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Profile (XML)
Profile (TaskerNet)

Saturday, September 7, 2019

[SCENE] Information Preset Screen v1.0



Scene (XML)

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Scene (XML)

[PROJECT] Color Picker (ARGB) v1.2

I have re-worked the task and scene appearing on this Tasker forum. So, original credits goes to 'Patrick Herbst' and the other members that offered later versions.

These are the changes I have made on my new version:
· Re-worked main UI
· Made it faster when choosing and rendering the picked color
· Solved an error that caused the sliders to return to their previous position, showing a wrong final color selection
· Reduced number Globar %vars to just one
· Now you can copy the hex color to clipboard



- New: You can now adjust scene text color and size of all text elements through the 'CP - Setup (UI)' task.
- Other: Removed the alpha bg file, and replaced it by an integrated WebView element. So no more ext. Resources are needed now.
- Other: Small changes to the scene.
- Other: Moved to Project type.

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

[PROJECT] CamScanner Auto - Free your hands v1.0

If you know CamScanner app for Android, this project can help you on scanning docs.

It allows the user to avoid using any button while scanning documents. Only use the proximity sensor to start/stop auto shots.

Main features:
- Countdown
- Space left check on each shot
- Auto-shots (you will only have to start or stop it using the proximity sensor)

This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet
(It can be deleted after imported)

· Use the notification to switch on/off the proximity sensor state. (for safety)
· No manual execution of any task is required. Just import it, enable the App profile, and once CamScanner is opened you can use it.
· You will need the AutoInput plugin to use it.




Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)