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Sunday, June 30, 2019

[PROJECT] Tasker Content Viewer - Get total number of projects, profiles, tasks and scenes from your Tasker v1.2

As you know, Tasker can show us the total number of profiles, tasks and scenes that are imported into it. But what is the main problem from here? It simply shows us non-hidden profiles and tasks. But what about anonymous tasks, linked to profiles? And the tasks from scenes, categorized as anonymous?
So this project will help you to know the exact and total number of them, as them are.

This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet
(It can be deleted after imported)

- Orange profiles and tasks are all non-anonymous, located in main Tasker UI.
- To make it work on unrooted devices, please, make sure that 'Local Auto-Backup Max Age' option, under Tasker's Preferences, is set to any value except: No Auto-Backups.



- New: The project can now work for non-rooted devices too. ('Local Auto-Backup Max Age' option, under Tasker's Preferences, must be set to any value except: No Auto-Backups)

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)

[PROJECT] Tasker Content Viewer - Get total number of projects, profiles, tasks and scenes from your Tasker v1.1 (ROOT)

As you know, Tasker can show us the total number of profiles, tasks and scenes that are imported into it. But what is the main problem from here? It simply shows us non-hidden profiles and tasks. But what about anonymous tasks, linked to profiles? And the tasks from scenes, categorized as anonymous?
So this project will help you to know the exact and total number of them, as them are.

This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet
(It can be deleted after imported)

- Orange profiles and tasks are all non-anonymous, located in main Tasker UI.



- New: Sidebar to show changes in content, if any, after closing Tasker.
- New: Menu (list) where you can see the name of each prj, prf, tsk and scn, when clicking on each icon in 'TCV - Information' scene. (Anonymous content is not listed)
- Other: Small changes.

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)

Saturday, June 29, 2019

[PROJECT] Do Not Disturb + Call Exception v1.0

This will help you to enable the DND mode (Do Not Disturb) at night, and disable it when you wake up. It also allows it to deactivate the DND temporarily if you receive a call from a specific number (pattern), or from a contact within the favourites list.

This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet
(It can be deleted after imported)

- About Incoming Call (pattern) profile: It reacts to any number that contains 12345 digits as a prefix. (change it to your needs)
- About Incoming Call (favourite) profile: It reacts to all the numbers that are listed in the favourite group.
- If you want the project to work at other times than those established in the project as an example, please, be sure to adjust 'DNDCE - Time (on)' + 'DNDCE - Time (off) profiles, and the If condition inside 'DNDCE - Disable DND Mode' task.


Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

Thursday, June 27, 2019

[PROJECT] Tasker Content Viewer - Get total number of projects, profiles, tasks and scenes from your Tasker v1.0 (ROOT)

As you know, Tasker can show us the total number of profiles, tasks and scenes that are imported into it. But what is the main problem from here? It simply shows us non-hidden profiles and tasks. But what about anonymous tasks, linked to profiles? And the tasks from scenes, categorized as anonymous?
So this project will help you to know the exact and total number of them, as them are.

- Orange profiles and tasks are all non-anonymous, located in main Tasker UI.



Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)

Sunday, June 23, 2019

[SCENE] Colored Notes v1.0

Scene that can be used for displaying notes.

- Top bar buttons does not have any associated actions. You will have to add your owns.



Scene (XML)
Task (XML)

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Scene (XML)
Task (XML)

Friday, June 21, 2019

[PROJECT] Device Backup To NAS - Back up your device information to a local NAS v1.1

If you have a NAS (Network Attached Storage), this project can help you to keep all your important information in a save place, like: photos, contacts, apps backups (data), and many more. It also leaves a copy in your SDCard to minimize the chances of accidental data loss.

· The whole process is fully tracked by a realtime log.
· You will be notified for each backup state and event: nice icons, progress bar, specific info about backup success or errors, etc.
· Keep a copy on the SDCard if something goes wrong during the process, or if the NAS fails for whatever reason.
· Know how much increased or decreased the backup size from previous one. (shown in log)
· Know the current transfer speed during files transfer. (shown as Mb/s) (thanks to @MeloProfessional for providing a way to get it: original project)
· Schedule your backups by date and time. (enable the profile manually)
· Countdown scenes with pause and cancel buttons
· For root and no root devices (*)

This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet
(It can be deleted after imported)

- To use this project you will need the following: AutoNotification, AutoTools and Synchronize Ultimate app.
- It does not back up apps data, contacts, sms, or things like that by itself. It works by transfering all the content (files and folders) from backed up info collected from other specific apps, to a specific path inside the NAS.
- Disabled actions means them are just optional, and some of them will be disabled by default to work on unrooted devices.
- All the actions labeled with 'yellow' colour are the ones that you will need to set to make the project work for your device.
- * It can work for unrooted devices, but some features won't be available, like: measuring the transfer speed in real time.
- ** The project can try to get the ext. sdcard path automatically, but if it fails, you will have to set '%sdcard' variable manually. (Thanks to @gerardo246 for providing the Java code for that)




- New: Now ext. SDCard ID is retrieved and set automatically, so you don't need to set '%sdcard' variable anymore (**).
- New: Setup video for project and Synchronize Ultimate App.
- Other: Updated 'Resources (ZIP)'.
- Other: Minor changes for some shown log's messages, labels and other little things.

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)

Thursday, June 20, 2019

[PROJECT] Device Backup To NAS - Back up your device information to a local NAS v1.0

If you have a NAS (Network Attached Storage), this project can help you to keep all your important information in a save place, like: photos, contacts, apps backups (data), and many more. It also leaves a copy in your SDCard to minimize the chances of accidental data loss.

· The whole process is fully tracked by a realtime log.
· You will be notified for each backup state and event: nice icons, progress bar, specific info about backup success or errors, etc.
· Keep a copy on the SDCard if something goes wrong during the process, or if the NAS fails for whatever reason.
· Know how much increased or decreased the backup size from previous one. (shown in log)
· Know the current transfer speed during files transfer. (shown as Mb/s) (thanks to @MeloProfessional for providing a way to get it: original project)
· Schedule your backups by date and time. (enable the profile manually)
· Countdown scenes with pause and cancel buttons
· For root and no root devices (*)

This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet
(It can be deleted after imported)

- To use this project you will need the following: AutoNotification, AutoTools and Synchronize Ultimate app.
- It does not back up apps data, contacts, sms, or things like that by itself. It works by transfering all the content (files and folders) from backed up info collected from other specific apps, to a specific path inside the NAS.
- Disabled actions means them are just optional, and some of them will be disabled by default to work on unrooted devices.
- All the actions labeled with 'yellow' colour are the ones that you will need to set to make the project work for your device.
- * It can work for unrooted devices, but some features won't be available, like: measuring the transfer speed in real time.




Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)

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Project (TaskerNet)
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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)