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Monday, June 29, 2020

[PROJECT] [VIP] Terminal Log v1.1

This project aims to emulate the basic operation of apps like: Terminal or Termux, at least in the majority of commands and taking into account Tasker's own limitations, showing a command log report of its execution on the screen (stdout and stderr).

- Avoid running cmds like 'logcat' (without params) or any cmd that runs indefinitely, because the project will probably get stuck. The Shell Code action is not adjusted to accept extra commands once it has been executed, by now.
- Some errors could be shown as normal STDOUT outputs, as they are not registered as 'Errors' actually. This is not a Tasker issue.



- New: Added '$' and '#' symbols for commands executed as user or root-user, respectively.

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Sunday, June 28, 2020

[PROJECT] [VIP] Terminal Log v1.0

This project aims to emulate the basic operation of apps like: Terminal or Termux, at least in the majority of commands and taking into account Tasker's own limitations, showing a command log report of its execution on the screen (stdout and stderr).

- Avoid running cmds like 'logcat' (without params) or any cmd that runs indefinitely, because the project will probably get stuck. The Shell Code action is not adjusted to accept extra commands once it has been executed, by now.
- Some errors could be shown as normal STDOUT outputs, as they are not registered as 'Errors' actually. This is not a Tasker issue.



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Saturday, June 27, 2020

[PROJECT] CPU Stats v1.1

This project will give you the possibility to see the usage (%) of your CPU in real time, depending on the workload on each state.

Main features:
• Real-time usage
• Total CPU usage
• Per-core CPU usage
• Statusbar (text) or Overlay display.

The project is in an experimental state, so expect failures, or errors in the final calculations.

As I don't have a x86 device, the project will work but will propably not report correct values for CPU usage (regardless of the formula applied, containing errors or not), as the internal Kernel clock is measured in a different clock rate.

- To use statusbar info style, AutoNotification will be required.
- Tasker is not the best way to monitor the CPU usage, as it runs on the main thread. So, use it at your own risk.
- Before setting up the project ('Setup' task) to allow it to show per-core usage, check if your device has a multi-core CPU. Otherwise, the project will fail to start.




- New: Ability to get multicore usage for compatible devices. (scene and notification)
- Other: Unchecked root usage for Shell Code action that gets the CPU info from '/proc/stat' file, as it was not necessary. (The project works on non-rooted devices)
- Other: Changed scene type to 'Overlay', so it won't affect elements behind it.
- Other: Other small changes.

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

[TASK] Get Available CPU Cores v1.1

This task collects different methods by which you can get the number of all the available CPU cores that your device has.

- Thanks to @DutchOfBurdock (Reddit) for helping on building the task.


- New: New Method (5) added. (Thanks @DutchOfBurdock)

Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

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Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

[TASK] Get All Apps Installed Time v1.1

Generate a list with all the apps installed, showing the following information:
• App name
• App package
• Install time
• Update time

These are the available versions:
Version (A): The collection of every app's data is done using Tasker's built-in actions, but it will take some time to finish.
Version (B): The collection of every app's data is done using a set of Java Function actions enterly, being much more faster than (A).

- The information is saved as a TXT file, under '/storage/emulated/0/*'.



- New: New faster version available (B).
- New: Apps (names) are now alphabetically sorted.
- Other: If both dates matches, meaning that the app didn't get updated since first installation, the 'Not Updated' message will appear for 'Update' field.
- Other: Other small changes.

Version (A)
Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)
Version (B)
Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

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Version (A)
Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)
Version (B)
Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

Sunday, June 21, 2020

[TASK] Get Available CPU Cores v1.0

This task collects different methods by which you can get the number of all the available CPU cores that your device has.


Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

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Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

[TASK] Get All Apps Installed Time v1.0

Generate a list with all the apps installed, showing the following information:
• App name
• App package
• Install time
• Update time

- The information is saved as a TXT file, under '/storage/emulated/0/*'.



Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

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Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

[PROFILE] Per-App DPI Changer v1.0

Change the screen content density (DPI) dynamically, based on the app used.

These are the available versions:
Version (A): Uses a non-root solution (system private interface for WindowManager class: IWindowManager), but requires the 'WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS' permission to be granted to Tasker.
Version (B): This (wm density) needs root (you can try ADB WiFi), at least, but doesn't need the 'WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS' permission.

Configuring very low or very high values can cause some apps to fail to start, simply by not being prepared for such densities. Even the system itself (SystemUI app) can be compromised.

For those who want to experiment with low densities (high values), setting them permanently will reduce the work for the CPU/GPU, resulting in increased overall performance and improved battery life.

- Thanks to @JustRollWithIt (Reddit) for the base JF task. (reference)
- Go here to know how to grant the 'android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS' permission to Tasker.
- Two types of the same profile for each of the versions are available: App (to be used with all apps, except Tasker), Tasker (to be used only with Tasker). If you want each app to set a different DPI, just create a single profile for every app. Otherwise, include all apps within the main profile.
- Both 'App' and 'Tasker' profiles are bundled in a single prj file for easy importing, so import it as it is.
- Use 'Yellow' labeled actions to customize how the profiles work.
- To get the current DPI value use the 'Get Current DPI' task.
- If what you want is to change the screen resolution, go here.



Version (A)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Version (B)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

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Version (A)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Version (B)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

[PROFILE] Per-App Resolution Changer v1.0

Change the screen resolution (width, height) dynamically, based on the app used.

These are the available versions:
Version (A): Uses a non-root solution (system private interface for WindowManager class: IWindowManager), but requires the 'WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS' permission to be granted to Tasker.
Version (B): This (wm size) can also work with or without the 'WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS' permission (only), also with or without root access (only).

When configuring higher resolutions than hardware, the following will most likely happen: using the device with a physical mouse (OTG) will be required, and overall performance will plummet.

For those who want to experiment with low resolutions, setting them permanently will reduce the work for the CPU/GPU, resulting in increased overall performance and improved battery life.

- Thanks to @JustRollWithIt (Reddit) for the base JF task. (reference)
- Go here to know how to grant the 'android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS' permission to Tasker.
- Two types of the same profile for each of the versions are available: App (to be used with all apps, except Tasker), Tasker (to be used only with Tasker). If you want each app to set a different resolution, just create a single profile for every app. Otherwise, include all apps within the main profile.
- Both 'App' and 'Tasker' profiles are bundled in a single prj file for easy importing, so import it as it is.
- An easy formula to calculate the new resolution, based on the original one: 'original + ((original * percentage) / 100)', to increase it, and 'original - ((original * percentage) / 100)', to decrease it. Apply it for both width and height.
- An easy formula to calculate the DPI that will appear about the same as it was in a previous resolution, setting a new resolution: '(current dpi * new width) / current width', and to bring the old density back with the previous resolution '(current dpi * current width) / new width'.
- Use 'Yellow' labeled actions to customize how the profiles work.
- To get the current resolution value use the 'Get Current Resolution' task.
- If what you want is to change the screen DPI, go here.



Version (A)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Version (B)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

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Version (A)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Version (B)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

Saturday, June 20, 2020

[PROJECT] Headset Button Helper v1.0

This project will help you to keep your device in your pocket while on the street, gym, or wherever you are, by using the button of your headset (or BT headset) to perform whatever action you would like.

These are the available versions:
Demo Version: If what you want is to import a clean version of the project to fully custimize it from 0, use this one. It doesn't include any specific action (opposite of mine), but just a set of 3 groups of actions as a generic implementation.
Personal Version: If you would like to import a fully functional project, use this one. It includes all those actions that I currently use on my device, like: get current date and time, call a contact, check battery level, start/stop playing music, and maybe more, depending on my needs and tastes.

This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet, or when the dev considers it is needed even not imported from TaskerNet.

- Thanks to @plepleus and @Ratchet_Guy (Reddit) for the calendar base task (reference), @abhishekabhi789 and @gerardo246 for helping on building the project.
- To use this project you will need the AutoInput plugin, a TTS Engine (+ voice package) of your choise (IVONA TTS, if interested), and grant the 'android.permission.SET_MEDIA_KEY_LISTENER' permission to Tasker, if requested (guide). (These requirements are the basic ones for both projects versions)
- If the 'Personal Version' contains any error, I won't update the project just due to that. I will only release a new public version (including my current 'Personal Version') if the bug(s) affects the 'Demo Version' in terms of base functionatily. Sorry.
- It is highly recommended to disable media button listeners for music apps, or any other app you could have for this kind. Otherwise, the project may interfere with those apps, if not configured on it.
- To abort the current action, press the button (single tap) while the TTS engine is speaking. It will cause the entire task to be stopped and return to the previous state: 'Waiting for button pressed events...'.




Demo Version
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Personal Version
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

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Demo Version
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Personal Version
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

[TASK] Check Keyguard Status v1.0

Here you have a little task that will help you to get more information than the 'KEYG' built-in variable, about the device lock status.

Quick information:
Device Locked: The device is locked and asks for authentication in order to use it.
Device Secure: The device is protected (service), regardless of if the protection mechanism is not currently required to use the device.
Keyguard Locked: The device is locked and doesn't ask for authentication in order to use it.
Keyguard Secure: The Lockscreen is enabled (service), regardless of if the device is locked or not.

The Device/Keyguard Locked represents the current state of the device, and Device/Keyguard Secure represents the general configuration of the device.


Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

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Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

Sunday, June 7, 2020

[TASK] Toggle Pixel Style v1.0

This task will allow you to switch between all your available Android themes (Styles) if using a Google Pixel device, Pixel Experience custom ROM, or any other custom ROM based on Pixel devices.

- This task was based on a request from a Reddit user. (reference)
- The 'android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS' permission will have to be granted to tasker for non-rooted devices (guide), and 'android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS' too.
- All of the properties from every action were based on my current device and ROM, so I would suggest you to find and use yours instead. Just to avoid possible problems.
- Styles are managed by the Google Wallpaper app, but its settings could exists or not on the Secure Settings table (or maybe other), as custom ROM devs can make some redirection for the app to not allow it to save/load content from Settings tables. If it's your situation, try looking at '/data/data/.../shared_prefs/*' (root required) to try changing app's values by this way.




Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

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Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

Saturday, June 6, 2020

[TUTORIAL] Get ride of Voice Dialog & Long-Pressed Selection Menu when using AutoVoice with long press events

In this tutorial we will see how to get rid of the voice dialog and long pressed selection menu that appears when we long press the button of our Headset/BT Headset, when using AutoVoice, and the 'Other hands-free settings' options is not available on Google app, or if your device doesn't offer an option to do that.

Before rolling in this guide, restoring/uninstalling the AutoVoice and/or Google app would be desirable, just to allow the 'long pressed selection menu' to appear again in case you had already configured it previously, and you couldn't find any option on your device to restore it.

1ยบ STEP - Android OS things

We will begin by long pressing the headset button to make the selection menu to appear...

Once the menu appears, choose 'AutoVoice' as the default app, and press the 'Always' button...

After that, the voice dialog will probably appear on the screen. Just dismiss it...

2ยบ STEP - Configuring AutoVoice app

Open AutoVoice app, and go to the 'General Settings' section...

Once here, uncheck both 'Auto Recognize BT' and 'Auto Recognize BT Secondary' options...

If you need them in some of your projects, you can use AutoInput itself to detect buttons pressed (profiles), and you will be able to fully customize the dialog from its settings (task action) or using scenes.

- - - END OF TUTORIAL - - -

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

[PROFILE] Listen For Volume Changes Dynamically v1.0

With this profile you can listen for volume changes on every channel, retrieving: current audio channel, last value changed and also the previous (old) value before it got changed. And with a single profile.

As the profile is right now, it only shows the above mentioned data, so its usefulness will be reduced to that. But it may be useful to you in a future project or profile where you need to identify the audio source or the previous level when it has changed.

- I don't know why the intent is sent more than once when changes are detected (not documented, or I couldn't find the reason), so a delay of 20ms (optional) is included at the top of the actions within the linked task.
- The intent is categorized as @hide (not officially documented) and has three extras "officialy" reported: EXTRA_VOLUME_STREAM_TYPE, EXTRA_VOLUME_STREAM_VALUE and EXTRA_PREV_STREAM_VOLUME. But it is sent with an additional extra for me: EXTRA_VOLUME_STREAM_TYPE_ALIAS. So, you can the use my Intent Broadcast Monitor project to check what extras are sent for you actually, if needed.


Profile (XML)
Profile (TaskerNet)

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Profile (XML)
Profile (TaskerNet)

[PROJECT] Device Floating Volume v1.3

It shows a floating bubble, in this case of identical appearance to that of my device, with useful information about the audio channel currently in use (changes on its status).

It works on the following audio channels:
• Alarm
• Call (in-call)
• Multimedia
• Notification
• Ringer (incoming call)
• System

These are the available volume panel models:
- Xiaomi Android 9 based (n° 1)
- Pixel Experience Android 10 based (n° 2)

Feel free to edit it as per your needs ๐Ÿ˜‰

This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet, or when the dev considers it is needed even not imported from TaskerNet.

- The default scene position for each audio channel (profile's tasks) is set to 0,0 (x,y), so you will need to adjust it according to your needs (yellow label).




- Fix: Default scene position was not 0,0 (x,y).
- Fix: Volume panel model (2) was not adjusted to be shown in landscape mode.

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

[PROJECT] Device Floating Volume v1.2

It shows a floating bubble, in this case of identical appearance to that of my device, with useful information about the audio channel currently in use (changes on its status).

It works on the following audio channels:
• Alarm
• Call (in-call)
• Multimedia
• Notification
• Ringer (incoming call)
• System

These are the available volume panel models:
- Xiaomi Android 9 based (n° 1)
- Pixel Experience Android 10 based (n° 2)

Feel free to edit it as per your needs ๐Ÿ˜‰

This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet, or when the dev considers it is needed even not imported from TaskerNet.

- The default scene position for each audio channel (profile's tasks) is set to 0,0 (x,y), so you will need to adjust it according to your needs (yellow label).




- New: Added new volume panel model, based on my current ROM.
- Fix: UI update was slow.
- Other: Changed default position of scene to (0,0). (You will need to adjust it for your device)
- Other: Other minor changes.

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)