This will help you to enable the DND mode (Do Not Disturb) at night, and disable it when you wake up. It also allows it to deactivate the DND temporarily if you receive a call from a specific number (pattern), or from a contact within the favourites list.
This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet
(It can be deleted after imported)
(It can be deleted after imported)
- About Incoming Call (pattern) profile: It reacts to any number that contains 12345 digits as a prefix. (change it to your needs)
- About Incoming Call (favourite) profile: It reacts to all the numbers that are listed in the favourite group.
- If you want the project to work at other times than those established in the project as an example, please, be sure to adjust 'DNDCE - Time (on)' + 'DNDCE - Time (off) profiles, and the If condition inside 'DNDCE - Disable DND Mode' task.
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