Wednesday, March 4, 2020

[NEWS] [TPC] About the 'Initial Setup' task from now on for all my projects...

Hello everyone, @SmartPhoneLover greets you all.

This article is to inform all those users who are followers of my projects, that from now on I will go on to use the task that I had included in some of my previous projects, called: 'Initial Setup'.

This task will be used to perform the project setup when it is first time imported. Among the tasks that would be carried out, depending on the project itself, would be:
- Enable all the required profiles, if several are included.
- Set those Global variables that are needed.
- Allow the download of resources, if the project includes them.
- Etc...

To inform you if it is or not included, I will add the following message in the same post:

" This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet, or when the dev considers it is needed even not imported from TaskerNet. "

This is an example of how the 'Initial Setup' task will look like:

And, two are the possible results you will see in the statusbar to tell you how the first setup was.


- In case of including extra resources, that is, optional and not required for the actual operation of the project, these will be published separately. Therefore, they must be downloaded and placed in the correct working directory manually.
- In case of failure (The initial setup failed to apply), for example because there is no Internet connection at the time of execution (download of necessary resources), don't worry. You can execute the task manually later.


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