Saturday, September 7, 2019

[PROJECT] Color Picker (ARGB) v1.2

I have re-worked the task and scene appearing on this Tasker forum. So, original credits goes to 'Patrick Herbst' and the other members that offered later versions.

These are the changes I have made on my new version:
· Re-worked main UI
· Made it faster when choosing and rendering the picked color
· Solved an error that caused the sliders to return to their previous position, showing a wrong final color selection
· Reduced number Globar %vars to just one
· Now you can copy the hex color to clipboard



- New: You can now adjust scene text color and size of all text elements through the 'CP - Setup (UI)' task.
- Other: Removed the alpha bg file, and replaced it by an integrated WebView element. So no more ext. Resources are needed now.
- Other: Small changes to the scene.
- Other: Moved to Project type.

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

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Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)


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