If you usually go camping a lot and use your cell phone to light the road at night, this project will be very useful. But it could be used for other purposes as well :)
- If you are on Android 9 (or above) it may happen that your brightness control mechanism has changed, so you will need to adjust it within the 'Setup' task. Use the separate 'Get Max Brightness Value' task to get it for your device.
- You can go here to learn more about how Android Pie now manages the screen brightness function.
- If what you want is to know the orientation of the device (not screen), go here (project) or here (task).
- The 180° rotation position may be locked by your ROM if not custom when using auto-rotation feature. So, try using Tasker to force that rotation angle or install a compatible custom ROM.
This project will repeatedly remember you the current time, every 10 minutes by default. Useful when you don't want to check the phone, or take it out of pocket.
Possible usage:
- As an example, I like hearing music while walking, and if I have to go to a place on which I need to arrive at a certain time (daily routine), I won't need to take the phone out of my pocket. (don't use to use a smart watch or any)
- Any other you could imagine...
This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet, or when the dev considers it is needed even not imported from TaskerNet.
- When the project is fully configured by the user ('Setup' task), run the 'Initial Setup' task manually to finish configuration. (this task will only have to be MANUALLY executed on first project import, and on first setup)
- If you also use Poweramp as your default music player, you can check its intents here. Otherwise, feel free to change according actions by Tasker's built-in ones, or others you could have.
- The spelled time form from 'Say Time' task was taken from one of my Talking Clock tasks. You can check them here.
- The default audio channel used to spell time is Multimedia, but you can customize the 'Say Time' task to use your favorite one.
Here I bring you a project that will help you when it comes to knowing the pronunciation of a specific term, or simply when you want to hear a written text.
Or why not? It can be used in case of not knowing how to pronounce something well, and you need to communicate with another person.
Main features:
· Quick access buttons to control speech, plus its preferences (pitch and speed).
· Big and small panel to work with short or long text.
· Selection of what TTS engine + voice package to use.
· User dictionary which will help the TTS engine to pronounce common acronyms or expressions in a more appropiate way.
To use this project you will need to have at least one TTS engine (+ its voice package) already installed. Otherwise, use 'WaveNet' one, which only requires an active Internet connection.
- Thanks to @gerardo246 and @bernabap (Reddit) for helping on regex expressions.
- If you don't know any TTS engine, you can take a look at the IVONA's here or here/here (Reddit). Currently "deprecated", but still giving very good war.
- To use the different TTS engine(s) plus its voice package(s) you could have installed, use the 'Setup' task (A4) to set them. Add the engine + voice as a group (pair) as 'engine:voice', each separated by comma (,).
- To use dictionaries with custom terms for a correct pronunciation, use the 'Setup' task (from A5) to set it for each engine/voice you want to use. Add the original term + desired pronunciation as a group (pair) as 'original:desired', each separated by comma (,). Create a new action with the correct IF condition (%par1 ~ engine:voice) for every engine/voice you want to customize the pronunciation.
- To get the engines and voices that are installed on your device and that have to be configured within 'Setup' task (from A4), create a temporal action (+ > Alert > Say) somewhere. Use the 'magnifying glass' icon from 'Engine:Voice' section, and select the group you would like to have within the project. Then, copy/paste the engine:voice text that will appear to the corresponding action from 'Setup' task.
- A trick to differentiate a word from another identical according to its context, would be to enclose one of them using quotes ("..."), or any other character you want from the availables within the 'Setup' task. Therefore, the pronunciation correction would apply to one of them only when indicated. (Add the expression to the dictionary as: "jaguar":chaguar)
This project was created based on a specific request from a user in Reddit.
Basically, it monitors the status of the WiFi connection (in this case), in addition to Internet access. Well, in case of not detecting activity in the network (data) or not finding the access point (AP) to which it should be connected, it starts the auto-connection process automatically.
It can be useful in those cases where access to the device is only allowed by remote connection, and its manual operation (in human presence) is not the case.
This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet (It can be deleted after imported)
- You can check out the thread where the request came from: Go!
- A similar project of our dear mate @MeloProfessional is available on his Telegram channel: Go!
- After importing, make sure to manually configure the project using the 'Setup' (and/or 'Setup (UI)') task(s).
- Max Retries from 'Setup' task are carried out in one minute intervals (Time Ticker profile). After Max Retries reached, manual reactivation will be needed (interactible button); unless unlimited retries are indicated.
Available versions:
• Version (A): Says the contact (name) if registered, and the phrase 'unregistered number' if not in your contacts.
• Version (B): Says the contact (name) if registered, and spells the number if not in your contacts.
This project (profile) includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet
(It can be deleted after imported)
- If you don't know any TTS engine, you can take a look at the IVONA's here or here/here (Reddit). Currently "deprecated", but still giving very good war.
- The 'Say Caller (1)' task includes an optional action (blue label) that will make Tasker to wait until %(CNAME) and/or %(CNUM) variables gets fully set. This is a Tasker limitation, sorry.
- All is bundled in a single prj file for easy importing. So, import it as it is.