This profile will allow you to automate music playback when the desired BT device is connected.
- I used the Poweramp music player, but you can use your own if you like. To find its itents, go here.
- To set your BT device, edit 'Name' or 'Address' (MAC) from the 'BT Connected' profile settings.
As per user requests, I have decided to create this little project to show you some examples of how to use the biometric sensor of your device (if available) to perform different actions.
These are the things you will learn...
• Finger Touch (any): Perform customized actions depending on which finger has touched the sensor. (*)
• Finger (down) [1] + (up): Calculate elapsed time between finger (down) and finger (up), so you can perform long press actions.
• Finger (down) [2]: Double tap gestures (or more).
• Finger (down) [3] + Screen (unlock): React to specific unlock attempts (failed).
This project does not contain predefined actions that execute certain applications, nor does it carry out specific actions. What is included are generic actions as a demonstration, which can then be extrapolated (idea) to other projects.
- The project uses the 'Logcat Entry' action, added in Tasker v5.9.beta8.
- To use it just toggle according profile(s) from the list above.
- There are several ways to make the profile detect the decided filter: applying regex expressions, filtering by specific words/terms, or searching for matching elements from within the associated task by reading the %(lc_text) var.
- (*) The device needs to be locked (Lockscreen).
- IDs are unique for each device, and also components/services can vary from device to device. Therefore, I recommend you not to take these components/filters that I have used in the project as them are. If they work, perfect! But if not, you should look for the corresponding ones for your device. But at least you will have a base to start.
- This project was built based on the Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 device ( beta ROM).
- New: Double tap gesture (or more).
- New: Detect unlock attempts (failed).
- Other: Small changes.
As per user requests, I have decided to create this little project to show you some examples of how to use the biometric sensor of your device (if available) to perform different actions.
These are the things you will learn...
• Finger Touch (any): Perform customized actions depending on which finger has touched the sensor. (*)
• Finger (down/up): Calculate elapsed time between finger (down) and finger (up), so you can perform long press actions.
This project does not contain predefined actions that execute certain applications, nor does it carry out specific actions. What is included are generic actions as a demonstration, which can then be extrapolated (idea) to other projects.
- The project uses the 'Logcat Entry' action, added in Tasker v5.9.beta8.
- To use it just toggle according profile(s) from the list above.
- There are several ways to make the profile detect the decided filter: applying regex expressions, filtering by specific words/terms, or searching for matching elements from within the associated task by reading the %(lc_text) var.
- (*) The device needs to be locked (Lockscreen).
- ids are unique for each device, and also components can vary from device to device too.
- This project was built based on the Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 device.
As you know, Tasker can show us the total number of profiles, tasks and scenes that are imported into it. But what is the main problem from here? It simply shows us non-hidden profiles and tasks. But what about anonymous tasks, linked to profiles? And the tasks from scenes, categorized as anonymous?
So this project will help you to know the exact and total number of them, as them are.
This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet (It can be deleted after imported)
- Orange profiles and tasks are all non-anonymous, located in main Tasker UI.
- To make it work on unrooted devices, please, make sure that 'Local Auto-Backup Max Age' option, under Tasker's Preferences, is set to any value except: No Auto-Backups.
- Other: Progress bar width is now dynamically calculated based on available space.
- Other: Moved all UI settings to 'Setup (UI)' task.
- Other: Small changes.
Enable/disable the AdGuard service in the background. You can also apply it to your projects so that it works on demand.
- If intents fail to be sent to the app using the default password, try generating a custom one.
- A separate task (AGT - API Library) is included where you will find the rest of all the available official intents with more actions.
- You can go here to know how to enable the dedicated API to be used within Tasker. You will also find some useful information about intent usage.
It will allow the app(s) to be fully usable without the interruption of the Android's screen timeout.
How to know real max value for my device? (+ > Settings > Custom Setting')
1. Click on the magnifying glass icon, and select 'Find'. Press 'home' button.
2. Go to the appropriate Android setting on your device, and change the screen timeout to 'never' or similar.
3. Come back to Tasker and click again on the previous icon. If any changes were detected, they will appear on the screen.
- To customize the app(s) you want to use, edit the 'AKSOx - Apps' profile.
- To prevent Android from overwriting max value to 10' (or the maximum for the device), a root variant is included. Which will allow to set the real max value to not turn the screen off (if available). Just edit A3 from 'AKSOB - Enable' task, writing the correct value for your device in the 'Value' field.