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With the new Tasker Projects Tracker project made by @SmartPhoneLover you can stay up-to-date with our latest work.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

[PROJECT] Tasker Content Viewer - Get total number of projects, profiles, tasks and scenes from your Tasker v1.3

As you know, Tasker can show us the total number of profiles, tasks and scenes that are imported into it. But what is the main problem from here? It simply shows us non-hidden profiles and tasks. But what about anonymous tasks, linked to profiles? And the tasks from scenes, categorized as anonymous?
So this project will help you to know the exact and total number of them, as them are.

This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet
(It can be deleted after imported)

- Orange profiles and tasks are all non-anonymous, located in main Tasker UI.
- To make it work on unrooted devices, please, make sure that 'Local Auto-Backup Max Age' option, under Tasker's Preferences, is set to any value except: No Auto-Backups.



- Fix: Project loading bar wrong heigh.

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)

DOWNLOAD (Ads Supported)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)

[TASK] Store Pictures Into DB v1.0

This task will help you to store pictures in raw format (binary) within a db file. So no need to store it externally, and link it.

- It's not recommended, as sql text data type can only store a specific amount of data. Try linking external resources with a path instead.


Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

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Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

[SCENE] Material Design Radio Buttons (list) v1.0

Simple radio buttons template that you can use to build a list.



Scene (XML)

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Scene (XML)

[TASK] Get Min & Max Volume Steps (all channels) v1.0

It allows you to get the min and max volume steps of every audio channel from Android OS.


Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

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Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

[TASK] Find Matching Pattern(s) Between Two Arrays v1.0

This task will allow you to find matching pattern(s) between two array() of elements.


Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

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Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

Friday, August 30, 2019

[PROJECT] Tasker Projects Tracker - Stay updated with the latest creations in Tasker v1.1

This is an initiative that I decided to take to give the possibility to all those users who like to create projects often, and for all those who tend to be aware of the publications of the previous ones.

That is, a project, also designed entirely in Tasker hehe, that you, as developers, will have the possibility to offer everyone else a real-time follow-up of your work, like: content planned to be created, whatever you are currently working, individualized development progress, history of your work, and much more.

But it can also be very useful for those developers who like to keep track of their own projects. (I include myself)

Main features:
· Real time updates.
· Automatic and manual checks for changes. (client side)
· Be aware of dev's current, planned and archived projects.
· Dedicated history section, with all dev's work.
· Basic log based on date and time (UTC) for dev's actions.
· Classify content by: name, type of content (project, task...), description, dedicated changelog, and more.
· Statusbar notifications for upload/download process of DB files, for both devs and clients, respectively.
· Include screenshots and download links for all your projects (new)
· Stay in touch with your followers in a more direct and personalized way, thanks to the new broadcasting messaging system. (new)

- Client...
You as a follower of the developer's projects, these are the things you have to configure in your project:
1. Take and open the GDrive (PC or Android) link that the developer will provide to you, and add the folder (not the file) that will appear, to your account. (use the 'Add to My Drive' option)
2. In the project, use the 'TPTB - Setup (UI)' and 'TPTB - Setup (GDrive)' tasks to configure it.
3. That's all!

- Developer...
You as a developer of your projects, these are the things you have to configure in your project:
1. Go to your GDrive (PC or Android) account, and create the directory/directories where you want Tasker to store the DB file.
2. Create a share link for the last, if multiple, available directory as: 'Can View' (only).
3. Then, share that link with your users. (as mine below)
4. In the project, use the 'TPTA - Setup (UI)' and 'TPTA - Setup (GDrive)' tasks to configure it.
5. That's all!

This is the shared folder that you (client) have to import to the root of your GDrive account:
(Link owner: @SmartPhoneLover)

- Thanks to @Universo for helping with the SQL statements.
- A working GDrive account, for both the client and developer, will be needed to use this project.
- Do not use the 'dash + vertical broken bar + dash' (-¦-) expression in any text field. It is used as a column separator during the data extraction process from the database.
- Time from logs are in UTC format, automatically converted from the dev's device. So, take that time format into account, compared to where you are.
- If the original developer of this project (@SmartPhoneLover) considers it necessary to update your databases, due to an internal restructuring of it, the developers have at their disposal the task 'TPTA - Update Database', included in the same project. (Instructions within the same task)
- Due to a limitation by Tasker, everything related to the text of the 'Menu' elements of the 'TPTX_Main' scene, such as: font type, size, color ..., must be edited individually and manually from each from them. Same for 'Spinner' elements.



- New: Download links (as simple or clickeable text) and screenshots (as pics) for prj/prf/tsk/scn(s) can now be included. (External links are the only soported ones, in other words, raw data (e.g.: binary) cannot be stored into the database directly)
- New: Users can now be aware of a more direct way with the new internal message broadcasting system.
- New: Those scenes that may need to be accessed frequently while editing/previewing info (e.g.: adding download links), can now be restored without loosing any data, or having to reload the whole process. (Use the upper right corner checkbox, if available)
- New: Added time context profile for Dev's version, to allow uploading the DB automatically once a day.
- New: All tabs results are now alphabetically sorted (ASC).
- New: A dot pointer (indicator), just below the 'UPLOAD' button, will tell you if there are changes that you have not shared yet. It will be restored after uploading last changes. (Dev version)
- Fix: The archived content was possible to publish directly. (Dev side)
- Fix: Wrong text position for content information scene on 'ARCHIVED' tab.
- Other: Optimizations on search methods for SQL statements.
- Other: The date and time format for the internal project log can now be customized from 'TPTA - Setup (UI)' task. (Dev version)
- Other: Reworked the whole code of both project versions.
- Other: The value stored into the 'TPTA_temporal' variable when reading db file, was reordered and cleaned up to help developing the project on future versions.
- Other: DB reworked to allow it storing new data type. (Devs will need to use the 'TPTA - Update Database' task to move data from old to new version of the database: Instructions included within the task itself)
- Other: Minor fixes that didn't affect the project functionality, but caused arrays() to be created without a real purpose. So they could hinder the use of it in future versions.
- Other: Changed the way in which some scene elements were working against certain situations, to tell what fields were editable and which ones not (Dev side). And the same for the ones to preview info (Dev and Client side).
- Other: Now the database needs to be read more times per cycle than on v1.0 when we move from one scene to another, but will prevent 'TPTX_temporal' variable of being overloaded (and truncated) if for whatever reason it could reach maximum storage size. It will also help to track what info comes from and goes to when debugging.
- Other: Added missing labels (lots of them), to guide the user what each part of the project does.

* As the database was reworked to allow it to store new data, a full manual clean up of both project versions working directories (/sdcard/Tasker/Resources/*) will be needed. After that, devs and clients, download new 'Resources (ZIP)' file again for v1.1, and place each one where appropriate for each.
* Clients, do not forget to update your project versions too. Or you won't be able to use new features from v1.1 of dev's project!
* Devs: Do not worry about the multiple local child variables (local arrays) that may be created when moving between scenes. Info from db won't be affected, as them will be deleted just after closing (not just hidding) previous scenes. Just take care to not reuse them when developing it.

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)

DOWNLOAD (Ads Supported)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)

Monday, August 19, 2019

[PROJECT] Tasker Projects Tracker - Stay updated with the latest creations in Tasker v1.0

This is an initiative that I decided to take to give the possibility to all those users who like to create projects often, and for all those who tend to be aware of the publications of the previous ones.

That is, a project, also designed entirely in Tasker hehe, that you, as developers, will have the possibility to offer everyone else a real-time follow-up of your work, like: content planned to be created, whatever you are currently working, individualized development progress, history of your work, and much more.

But it can also be very useful for those developers who like to keep track of their own projects. (I include myself)

Main features:
· Real time updates.
· Automatic and manual checks for changes. (client side)
· Be aware of dev's current, planned and archived projects.
· Dedicated history section, with all dev's work.
· Basic log based on date and time (UTC) for dev's actions.
· Classify content by: name, type of content (project, task...), description, dedicated changelog, and more.
· Statusbar notifications for upload/download process of DB files, for both devs and clients, respectively.

- Client...
You as a follower of the developer's projects, these are the things you have to configure in your project:
1. Take and open the GDrive (PC or Android) link that the developer will provide to you, and add the folder (not the file) that will appear, to your account. (use the 'Add to My Drive' option)
2. In the project, use the 'TPTB - Setup (UI)' and 'TPTB - Setup (GDrive)' tasks to configure it.
3. That's all!

- Developer...
You as a developer of your projects, these are the things you have to configure in your project:
1. Go to your GDrive (PC or Android) account, and create the directory/directories where you want Tasker to store the DB file.
2. Create a share link for the last, if multiple, available directory as: 'Can View' (only).
3. Then, share that link with your users. (as mine below)
4. In the project, use the 'TPTA - Setup (UI)' and 'TPTA - Setup (GDrive)' tasks to configure it.
5. That's all!

This is the shared folder that you (client) have to import to the root of your GDrive account:
(Link owner: @SmartPhoneLover)

- Thanks to @Universo for helping with the SQL statements.
- A working GDrive account, for both the client and developer, will be needed to use this project.
- Do not use the 'dash + vertical broken bar + dash' (-¦-) expression in any text field. It is used as a column separator during the data extraction process from the database.
- Time from logs are in UTC format, automatically converted from the dev's device. So, take that time format into account, compared to where you are.



Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)

DOWNLOAD (Ads Supported)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Resources (ZIP)

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

[PROJECT] Sound Meter & Recorder v1.1 (UPDATE)

It is an ambient noise detector that starts recording immediately upon hearing any sound.

Because the project has the ability to listen and record everything that happens around the device itself, you will be solely and ultimately responsible for its consequences of use.
(listening to and recording private conversations without the consent of any of the parties involved, may be illegal in some countries, and incur legal action)

This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet
(It can be deleted after imported)

- You will need AutoVoice plugin to use the noise detection feature, and Easy Voice Recorder (Pro) app to record audio.



- New: Current (last) dB value is now displayed when Control Panel is launched.
- New: Total number of recordings triggered, if any, in the statusbar notification.
- Other: Project name changed.
- Other: Redesigned UI style.
- Other: External resources are not needed anymore.
- Other: General optimization.
- Other: AutoNotification plugin not needed.
- Other: Changed recording app to 'Easy Voice Recorder Pro', as personal needs. (you can try using built-in Tasker actions, or look for available apps intents at TPC too)
- Other: Changed the way how the project is controlled. (notification to configure it, shortcut to launch/stop it)
- Other: Deleted custom dB option.
- Other: Added a warning message about the use of this project.

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Spanish (v1.0)
Project (XML)
Resources (ZIP)

DOWNLOAD (Ads Supported)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Spanish (v1.0)
Project (XML)
Resources (ZIP)

Monday, August 12, 2019

[PROFILE] Set Random Wallpaper Every Day v1.0

This profile sets a random wallpaper every day.

- It is configured to change wallpaper every day at 05:30 on morning, but you can set the time you wish.
- Wallpaper files have to be placed locally.


Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

DOWNLOAD (Ads Supported)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

[PROJECT] Sound Meter & Recorder v1.1

It is an ambient noise detector that starts recording immediately upon hearing any sound.

This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet
(It can be deleted after imported)

- You will need AutoVoice plugin to use the noise detection feature, and Easy Voice Recorder (Pro) app to record sound.



- New: Current (last) dB value is now displayed when Control Panel is launched.
- New: Total number of recordings triggered, if any, in the statusbar notification.
- Other: Project name changed.
- Other: Redesigned UI style.
- Other: External resources are not needed anymore.
- Other: General optimization.
- Other: AutoNotification plugin not needed.
- Other: Changed recording app to 'Easy Voice Recorder Pro', as personal needs. (you can try using built-in Tasker actions, or look for available apps intents at TPC too)
- Other: Changed the way how the project is controlled. (notification to configure it, shortcut to launch/stop it)
- Other: Deleted custom dB option.

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Spanish (v1.0)
Project (XML)
Resources (ZIP)

DOWNLOAD (Ads Supported)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Spanish (v1.0)
Project (XML)
Resources (ZIP)

Saturday, August 10, 2019

[PROJECT] Android Pie Screen Brightness Workaround v1.2

As some users reported having problems with the Display Brightness action on Android Pie, on the latest Tasker v5.8.2 version, I have made a workaround task that may help these users.

You can track the issue on:
· Reddit (thread)
· tasker.helprace (ticket)

* The problem, in the end, was discarded by Joao, so there will be no other than to use this project to modify the brightness in those devices that present that abnormal functioning. Sorry.

This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet
(It can be deleted after imported)

- Go here to learn more about how Android Pie now manages the screen brightness function.
- Not all people are experiencing the same situation. Some tells that is working fine, between correct and normal range (0-255). But others reports that Android is managing the brightness level far out of range, like: 0-1200.
- To make the Tasker to set 0 level correctly on some devices, you will have to grant the 'WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS' permission to Tasker. Or have root.
- To use the automated version (B), root will be required.


- New: Added a separate version for users that want to automate getting min and max values. (recommended only if values changes on every device boot, as reported by some users) (root needed)
- Other: All switched to Project type.
- Other: Added missing task labels (notes) to guide the user how to proceed.
- Other: minor changes.

Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

DOWNLOAD (Ads Supported)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)
Project (XML)
Project (TaskerNet)

Thursday, August 8, 2019

[TASK] Android Pie Screen Brightness Workaround v1.1

As some users reported having problems with the Display Brightness action on Android Pie, on the latest Tasker v5.8.2 version, I have made a workaround task that may help these users.

You can track the issue on:
· Reddit (thread)
· tasker.helprace (ticket)

- Not all people are experiencing the same situation. Some tells that is working fine, between correct and normal ranks (0-255). But others reports that Android is managing the brightness level far out of range, like: 0-1200.
- I have bundled all the tasks into a single project file, so import it as a project.


- Fix: Not applying the correct value if '0' was sent. (to make it work, root or at least 'WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS' permission is needed for Tasker)

Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

DOWNLOAD (Ads Supported)
Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

[TASK] Android Pie Screen Brightness Workaround v1.0

As some users reported having problems with the Display Brightness action on Android Pie, on the latest Tasker v5.8.2 version, I have made a workaround task that may help these users.

You can track the issue on:
· Reddit (thread)
· tasker.helprace (ticket)

- Not all people are experiencing the same situation. Some tells that is working fine, between correct and normal ranks (0-255). But others reports that Android is managing the brightness level far out of range, like: 0-1200.
- I have bundled all the tasks into a single project file, so import it as a project.


Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

DOWNLOAD (Ads Supported)
Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

[TASK] Hi-Q MP3 Recorder Intents v1.0

Intents for both Hi-Q MP3 Recorder (free) and Hi-Q MP3 Recorder (pro) app.

- I have bundled all the content into a single project file, so import it as a project.


Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

DOWNLOAD (Ads Supported)
Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

[TASK] Toggle Android's Background Process Limit v1.0

This task will allow you to, by now (*), check the current process limit value set for Android. Found under Developer Options.

- * Current Tasker version (5.8.2) can't toggle that option, due to lack of the 'android.permission.SET_PROCESS_LIMIT' permission on its AndroidManifest. But, hope the dev add it soon, if possible. You can vote this request by clicking on the here.


Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

DOWNLOAD (Ads Supported)
Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

[TASK] Remove Repeated Elements From Array v1.0


Task (XML)

DOWNLOAD (Ads Supported)
Task (XML)

Saturday, August 3, 2019

[PROFILE] BT & Charger Log Report v1.0

These profiles will allow you to keep track of the time (and date) of connection/disconnection of any Bluetooth device that has been connected, in addition to keeping track of battery charge.

This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet
(It can be deleted after imported)

- Import it as a project.
- Log file is generated in '/sdcard/Download' dir, named as 'BT-Charger_Log.txt'.



Profile (XML)
Profile (TaskerNet)

DOWNLOAD (Ads Supported)
Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

Friday, August 2, 2019

[NEWS][TPC] New groups and channels added

New Groups and Channels added to the 'Tasker Chat Groups' section.
Link: Go!

[TASK] MIUI Music Player Intents v1.0

Intents for the MIUI Music Player app, included in all Xiaomi devices.

- The app have to be already running (service) when using these intents.


Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)

DOWNLOAD (Ads Supported)
Task (XML)
Task (TaskerNet)